Programa científico

Lunes, 1 de septiembre

From 9h


11h - 12h30

Open ceremony

12h30 - 13h30

Opening Lecture:
Prof. Kristian Kristiansen
Towards a new European Prehistory. The decline of the Neolithic and the Rise of the Bronze Age



14h30 - 19h30

A2a. The first peopling of Europe

A3f. 50 Years of Prähistorische Bronzefunde

A4c. Underwater Archaeology

A5a. The Final Palaeolithic of Northern

A6a. Human occupations in mountain environments

A10. The Neolithic from the Sahara to the Southern Mediterranean Coast: a review of the most Recent Research

A11a. The chronology of Palaeolithic cave art: new data, new debates

A15a. Archaeological Heritage Policies and Management strategies

A17c. Microscopic determination of hafting technology: use-wear and residues

A18a. Redefining the Postpalaeolithic rock art in the world

A25g. Megalithism in the north-west of the NW Iberian Peninsula

B6. Beyond the stones: Inter-disciplinary approaches to interpreting Paleolithic Transitions

B17. Shepherds and caves

B19. Aquatic resource consumption by prehistoric humans

B22. Premonetary currency systems in past societies

B25. Looking at the sky, walking on the earth. Climatic changes and historical evolution in the Mesolithic and Neolithic of Western Europe

B26. The lithic issues of the Gravettian

B42. The adoption of pottery in Prehistory: a functional perspective

19h30 - 20h30

Prof. Ya-Mei Hou
Key Landmarks in Chinese Palaeolithic Studies

Martes, 2 de septiembre

9h to 12h30 or

A1. Silicious rock extraction and prehistoric lithic economies

A2c. What's happening now in Atapuerca?

A2f. Pleist human dispersals: climate, ecology&social behavior

A4b. The scientific value of 3D archaeology

A5b. Azilian on the North European Plain and adjacent areas

A6b. Management resources &territories Pyrenees from the earliest human occupation to the end of the Protohistory

A7b. Emergence and consequences of technical innovations in America

A8b. International relations history of archaeology

A9a. The origins of Upper Palaeolithic in Eurasia

A11c. New solutions for old problems: The use of new technologies for the documentation and conservation of prehistoric art

A12. Detecting the Landscape(s) - Remote Sensing Techniques from Research to Heritage Management

A13. Quality Management of Cultural Heritage: problems and good practices

A20. The intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples

A22. Origins and evolution of Modern Humans Behaviour: a view from North Africa

A24b. Coastal adaptation: Assessing past resilient socio-ecological systems

A25a. Materials, Productions, Exchange networks and their impact on the societies of Neolithic Europe

A25b. Current Approaches to Collective Burials in the Late European Prehistory

B2. Biochronology, biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the European Quaternary (B2PQUE)

B14. An Archaeology of fuels: social and environmental factors in behavioural strategies of multi-resource management

B23. Beyond the reduction sequence: new insights in lithic technology

B35. Paleolithic Archaeozoology: Advances on hunter-gatherer’s subsistence

B43. Testing social behaviour with novel approaches in the Prehistoric mortuary record of Iberia

12h30–13h30 or
13h30 – 14h30


14h or 15h
to 19h30

A1. Silicious rock extraction and prehistoric lithic economies

A2c. What's happening now in Atapuerca?

A2f. Pleist human dispersals: climate, ecology&social behavior

A3b. Transition from Lithic to Metal – appraisal on global changes

A4b. The scientific value of 3D archaeology

A7c. Climate change and use of animals in South America during the Holocene

A9a. The origins of Upper Palaeolithic in Eurasia

A11c. New solutions for old problems: The use of new technologies for the documentation and conservation of prehistoric art

A11e. Public images, private readings: multi-perspective approaches to the post-Palaeolithic rock art

A15e. Museum networking in Global communities: experiences in sharing&cooperation in Quaternary&Prehistory Museums

A20. The intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples

A21b. Technological change and behavioral variability in the MSA

A25b. Current Approaches to Collective Burials in the Late European Prehistory

A25h. Domestication of Plants and Animals in the Near East

B14. An Archaeology of fuels: social and environmental factors in behavioural strategies of multi-resource management

B3. Monumental earthen architecture in early societies: technology and power display

B33. Environmental & cultural develop. during Low & Mid Palaeo Syrian Desert

B35. Paleolithic Archaeozoology: Advances on hunter-gatherer’s subsistence

B37. Lithic, Evolution, Science

B40. Cleaning up a messy Mousterian: how to describe and interpret Late Middle Palaeo chrono-cultural variability Atlantic Europe

B50. Paleoenvironment and early cultural dynamics in the Maya area

B52. How far is it possible to compare Europe and continental Asia? Focus on Mid Pleistoc. Track record & perspectives

B53. The archaeology of early fire use

to 20h30

Prof. Tim Denham
Early agriculture in the highland of New Guinea

Miercoles, 3 de septiembre

9h to 12h30 or

A2b. Technological change during the low-Mid Pleist trasition Europe

A21d. Chronostratigraphic data about the Mid to UP Palaeo cultural change in WEurope

B30. A diachronic perspective of human behavioural adaptations to interglacial lakeshore environments during the European Pleistocene to early Holocene

B33. Environmental & cultural develop. during Low & Mid Palaeo Syrian Desert

B34. Archaeometry approach. study of networks of trade in raw materials and techno innovations prehistory & protohistory

B36. Analysis economic foundations supporting the social supremacy of the Beaker groups

B37. Lithic, Evolution, Science

B38. Advances in the dating of human dispersals, interactions and extinctions in the Palaeolithic

B56. Time for the tide: New perspectives on hunter-fisher-gatherer exploitation of intertidal resources in Atlantic Europe & Mediterranean regions

12h30-13h30 or


14h or 13h
to 19h30
14h30 to 19h30

B56. Time for the tide: New perspectives on hunter-fisher-gatherer exploitation of intertidal resources in Atlantic Europe & Mediterranean regions

20h to 21h

Open to Pubic

Forum Evolución


Prof.  José Luis Lanata


La evolución humana en las Américas. Paralelismos globales y particularidades desde el último continente colonizado

Jueves, 4 de septiembre

9h-12h30 or

A2d. Contextualizing Schöningen implications human evolution during the Mid Pleist

A3c. Emergence of warrior societies and its economic, soc&environ consequences

A4a. Revolution of 60' Prehistory& Protohistory

A9c. Initial Cantabrian Magdal&question of MagdaleniaN origins

A11b. Late Pleistocene cave art in its context

A15b. Management and use of science data from preventive archaeology: quality control

A17a. Recent Trends and Aspects of Use-wear Analysis and their contributing to the Modernization of Archaeology

A11d. Styles, techniques and graphic expression in rock art

A20. The intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples

A25c. Standing stones and megalithic monuments in context

A25f. N-S connections and dis-connections in the prehistory and proto-history Levant

A26. Southeast Asia: Human Evolution, Dispersals and Adaptation (38)

A28. Paleolithic technology and adaptation in Asia

B8. Hominid-bird interactions in Prehistory. The humankind and the avian world: archaeological evidence for inferring behavioural evolutionary signatures

B5. New approaches to the study of Quartz lithic industries

B10. The interglacial Holsteinian eldorado and the onset of the Middle Palaeolithic (400-300 ka)

B20. Contexts without definition, definitions without context. Arguments for the characterization of the (Pre)historic realities during the neolithisation of the western mediterranean

B27. "Megalithic biographies”: cycles of use and closure

B28. Technology and the first agro-pastoral societies: ceramic manufacturing and decoration

B39. Paleoanthropological debates on Human Evolution

B51. Reconstructing human mobility in the Palaeolithic: building new frameworks

B54. Genetic analysis of modern and ancient samples

B55. Advances in Archaeological Palimpsest Dissection

12h30-13h30 or


14h or 15h
to 19h30

A2e. The Early and Middle Pleistocene succession in the Guadix-Baza Basin (Andalusia, southern Spain): geology, paleontology, archaeology

A3e. Objects of the dead, offerings from the living: interpreting finds in funerary contexts

A8a. Lobbying for Archaeology (18th- 21st centuries). Innovative alliances

A9d. Human settlement of W Europe during the LGM

A11d. Styles, techniques and graphic expression in rock art

A15c. Cultural resources, management, public policy, people´s awareness and

A17b. Traceological researches and experimental works

A18b. Post-Palaeolithic filiform rock art in Western Europe

A20. The intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples

A21c. Movements in and Out for Africa: Assemblage variability and population dynamics in NE Africa&SW Asia MSA and Mid Paleo

A24a. Recolonisation or new landscapes: adaptations and change in the Early Holocene

A25d. Monumentality and territory: relationship between enclosures and necropolis in the European Neolithic

A25f. N-S connections and dis-connections in the prehistory and proto-history Levant

A26. Southeast Asia: Human Evolution, Dispersals and Adaptation (38)

A27a. Linking Continents: Late hunter-gatherers and early farming communities relationships across the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

B4. Climate change & social change during Late Holocene in arid and semiarid environments: archaeo& historical perspectives

B5. New approaches to the study of Quartz lithic industries

B10. The interglacial Holsteinian eldorado and the onset of the Middle Palaeolithic (400-300 ka)

B25. Looking at the sky, walking on the earth. Climatic changes and historical evolution in the Mesolithic and Neolithic of Western Europe

B27. "Megalithic biographies”: cycles of use and closure

B41. Archaeology of the Mesolithic in Europe: the Significance of Fen and Bog Sites

B44. Within ditches and walls. Settlements, fortifications, enclosures, monuments, villages and farms in the third Millenium BCE

19h30 to 20h30

Prof. Lyn Wadley
The evolution of complex cognition: case studies from South Africa

Viernes, 5 de septiembre

9h-12h30 or

A9b. Study of the Environ&LandscEcono&Social Activities during the UPaleolithic

A11f. The Role of Art in Prehistoric Societies

A14. Water as generator of networks

A15f. Education and dissemination strategies in museums and prehistoric Sites

A16. Aegean-Mediterranean imports and influences in the graves from continental Europe–Bronze&Iron Ages

A17b. Traceological researches and experimental works

A19. Bifacial tools in the Middle Palaeolithic of western Eurasia

A20. The intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples

A21a. Neanderthals on their own terms: new perspectives study of Mid Paleo behaviour

A25e. Dynamics of human and cultural dispersals during the Neolithic transition in Europe: Complex Systems and Prehistory

B1. Task distribution in pre- and proto-historic societies

B9. Staring at the ground: archaeological surveys as a research tool in the early 21st century

B13. Mathematical approaches for the study of Human-Fauna interactions in the Pleistocene

B18. State of the art of the multidisciplinary research at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel

B24. Innovation in the production and use of equipment in hard animal materials: origins and consequences in prehistoric Palaeolithic to Mesolithic societies

B48. To come, to go, to stay”: ancient DNA and C/N and Sr isotopes analyses as indicators of human relationships during the Holocene

B57. Reconsidering the significance of the Acheulian in Human Evolution

12h30-13h30 or


14h or 15h
to 17h00

A11f. The Role of Art in Prehistoric Societies

A15d. The educational activities of archeology and socialization of knowledge

A19. Bifacial tools in the Middle Palaeolithic of western Eurasia

A21a. Neanderthals on their own terms: new perspectives study of Mid Paleo behaviour

A27c. The long road to the final transition. Regional dynamics in the western Mediterranean between the end of the LGM and the 8.2 event

B1. Task distribution in pre- and proto-historic societies

B13. Mathematical approaches for the study of Human-Fauna interactions in the Pleistocene

B15. Social complexity in a long term perspective

B18. State of the art of the multidisciplinary research at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel

B24. Innovation in the production and use of equipment in hard animal materials: origins and consequences in prehistoric Palaeolithic to Mesolithic societies

B46. Iron Age communities in Western-central Europe: new approaches to landscape and identity

B48. To come, to go, to stay”: ancient DNA and C/N and Sr isotopes analyses as indicators of human relationships during the Holocene

B57. Reconsidering the significance of the Acheulian in Human Evolution





19h30 to 20h30

Prof. Evelyne Heyer
What can we learn about our past from genetic data?

Sabado, 6 de septiembre
