A2e. The Early and Middle Pleistocene succession in the Guadix-Baza Basin (Andalusia, southern Spain): geology, paleontology, archaeology
A3e. Objects of the dead, offerings from the living: interpreting finds in funerary contexts
A8a. Lobbying for Archaeology (18th- 21st centuries). Innovative alliances
A9d. Human settlement of W Europe during the LGM
A11d. Styles, techniques and graphic expression in rock art
A15c. Cultural resources, management, public policy, people´s awareness and
A17b. Traceological researches and experimental works
A18b. Post-Palaeolithic filiform rock art in Western Europe
A20. The intellectual and spiritual expressions of non-literate peoples
A21c. Movements in and Out for Africa: Assemblage variability and population dynamics in NE Africa&SW Asia MSA and Mid Paleo
A24a. Recolonisation or new landscapes: adaptations and change in the Early Holocene
A25d. Monumentality and territory: relationship between enclosures and necropolis in the European Neolithic
A25f. N-S connections and dis-connections in the prehistory and proto-history Levant
A26. Southeast Asia: Human Evolution, Dispersals and Adaptation (38)
A27a. Linking Continents: Late hunter-gatherers and early farming communities relationships across the Mediterranean and the Black Sea
B4. Climate change & social change during Late Holocene in arid and semiarid environments: archaeo& historical perspectives
B5. New approaches to the study of Quartz lithic industries
B10. The interglacial Holsteinian eldorado and the onset of the Middle Palaeolithic (400-300 ka)
B25. Looking at the sky, walking on the earth. Climatic changes and historical evolution in the Mesolithic and Neolithic of Western Europe
B27. "Megalithic biographies”: cycles of use and closure
B41. Archaeology of the Mesolithic in Europe: the Significance of Fen and Bog Sites
B44. Within ditches and walls. Settlements, fortifications, enclosures, monuments, villages and farms in the third Millenium BCE